Timekeeping Instructions


Matches will be conducted in two 18 minute halves with each game allowed two minutes warm up and two minutes for half time.


To start the game, the referees will call 2 minutes, then 1 minute, then call for centres at which time the clock will start. Penalty points will be awarded for lateness – this includes coaches who continue to talk to players once centres have been called. For the second half the referees will call 2 minutes, then 1 minute, then call for centres at which time the clock will start.


Time outs are two per half of 1 minute duration. Timeouts are not permitted in the last three minutes of the first half; but are permitted in the last three minutes of the second half, when the clock stops for every whistle.

The clock only stops in the last 3 minutes of the second half, except when the referee calls a referee’s timeout. When this occurs the clock stops at that stage of the game.
All games must start on time and any team not ready will be penalised two points per minute that they are late starting. The game cannot start until each team has completed their team responsibilities.

Do you have some free time?

We are keen for volunteers to help run our Club!  If you have capacity to take on a game day role such as Team Manager or Coach, or you would like to support our committee, we would love to hear from you! Please email [email protected]