Working With Children Check


A valid Working With Children Check is a legal requirement for all club members 18 years and older who help with the running of the club.

This includes the committee, administration staff, Team Managers and Team Coaches (including all stand-ins and assistants).

All the information you require can be found on the following website

Please make sure that you have registered the Brighton Wolves Basketball Club Inc as an organisation that you are volunteering with.

Volunteers who are under the age of 18.

You do not need to hold a WWCC card, but it is our recommendation that a month before your 18th birthday start the application process.

If you are over 18 and do NOT have a valid Working With Children Check then you cannot engage in Child-related work.

Do you have some free time?

We are keen for volunteers to help run our Club!  If you have capacity to take on a game day role such as Team Manager or Coach, or you would like to support our committee, we would love to hear from you! Please email [email protected]